Saturday, January 17, 2009

Rachelle and Rob's Engagement

Rachelle, Rob, and I met up at Limekiln falls in Big Sur, since it's been somewhere that I've really wanted to shoot. When we arrived, SURPRISE - it had completely burned up during this past summer's fire and was completely closed. Nevertheless, we found some great locations in Big Sur. How could we not, right? :)

rachelle rob engagement photos big sur

rachelle rob engagement photos big sur

rachelle rob engagement photos big sur

rachelle rob engagement photos big sur

rachelle rob engagement photos big sur

rachelle rob engagement photos big sur

rachelle rob engagement photos big sur

rachelle rob engagement photos big sur

rachelle rob engagement photos big sur

1 comment:

Cherron McDonald said...

What a sweet couple.

That last photo needs to be displayed really big in their living room. It's gorgeous!