Enough about Still Time - Brooke and Raf planned an incredible wedding. From the cupcake table that their guests all participated in creating, to the soaps they made for their guests, to the unique and vintage thrift-store dinner plates, to the empty Patron bottles for vases - this wedding was as unique as they come.
Funny thing...right in the middle of Still Time covering Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'", SLO's baseball team finished a game and fireworks lit up the sky behind the band. Journey + fireworks? Are you kidding me? ;) Everyone went nuts, as you might imagine.
April Peet did Brooke's flowers - I highly recommend her. She's knocked the ball out of the park with every arrangement I've seen from her: April Flowers
Fantastic work!
Fantastic! I love the shot of her veil blowing during the ceremony!
Wow Ken! Your name should be Ken Kie-wow! :) ok that was totally lame, but honestly these pic were great! ur so creative and always looking for sweet angles and a great way to share the day. i liked the guy laying on the floor ha ha.. the ring pic with the textured paint and the bride and groom in the fields oh and the veil blowing up pic!!
Again, just stunning work, Ken!!
Awesome stuff, Ken.
Ken these are some fan-flippin-tastic images. Lighting is just perfect. Beautiful job!
dude ... the colors and vibrancy of your images is just sick !! tell me how you do it!!!
YAAAAAYYYY!!!!!! Best Wedding Photographer EVER!! Seriously, Ken, you've completely exceeded our expectations. Not only were you great at the wedding, but these images are A-MAZ-ING!!! We went through all 863 images last night and could not be happier. Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!!!
now THIS is the kind of wedding I would love to shoot!!
Your images are clear and crisp, and allow the images to simply tell the story of the day, beautiful! I love the shot of the veil!
absolutly awesome wedding!! :) Way to go!
Beautiful Work Ken!!
Ken you are the man... this wedding was gorgeous and you captured it beautifully. :)
im stunned. Great great great work. Inspiring.
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