So we went to the dentist yesterday, and it sounds like everything's going to be ok. The baby tooth that got jammed up into his gums actually angled itself away from the permanent tooth buds, so as long as nothing gets infected it looks like it won't be a permanent problem. He might need to get it pulled if it doesn't come back down on its own, unfortunately. Meanwhile, his smile is a little different, but that's fine. :) Battle wound, right?
The hardest part of this whole ordeal was the trip to the dentist. He's a little wary in the dentist office anyway, but getting an x-ray really freaked him out. It's probably the most upset/scared I've ever seen him. He's such a polite little guy, and he learned to say "No thank you" lately. When we were trying to get a decent x-ray of his teeth (and having to hold him down), he was crying and screaming "NO THANK YOU!" over and over. Such a heartbreaking thing to have to deal with, but he was fine after it was over.
The day after it happened he was a little melancholy. Here's an iPhone photo of his xray:
By today, though, he was back to normal and doing things like this:
Ken, I know how you feel! I took my 2 month old daughter yesterday to get her shots! I almost cried! 4 shots in total. Hope the little one feels better. :)
Amazing how quickly kids bounce back isn't it?Glad he's on the mend.We appreciate the sight of his smile.
Delia chipped her one of her front teeth when she was 2. We both cried when it happened. :( I was so sad to see her smile change but it's grown on us and now it's just her.
Glad he's feeling better!
Aww I'm glad to hear your little guy is gonna be okay! He's so cuteeeee.
Ken - the exact same thing happened to my front tooth when I was his age. It went right back into the gum. Nothing bad happened except that it was yellowish when it came back, but the adult teeth were too, and we've since discovered it was from too much flouride (in the water, at the dentist, and also at school believe it or not).
sorry! glad you handled it well, i would have freaked out.
Woo! Boy sure bounced back quick. Give him lots of kisses from Aunt Karen :)
For now...he's got a cute smile that makes me smile
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