Friday, August 21, 2009

Bridesmaid Dresses

Check out this image from Todd Pellowe's blog:

I LOVE this concept - buying a different dress for each bridesmaid. Each of the dresses look awesome on them, and could totally be worn for a different dress-up event. The bride hand-picked the dresses for each of the bridesmaids. I don't think it detracts from the bridesmaids looking special / separate at all.

You can read a little bit about the couple's story behind their wedding at this post on Southern Weddings.


Jacob Lacey said...

ya this is sweet... whats up with the car, it looks like there are beads all over it for paint?

Sarah Hawkins said...

I did something similar, though this goes a step further. I picked the color, and then let the bridesmaids pick the dress (easy when David's has like 150 styles). This was especially helpful for my Mormom bridesmaid who had to have her shoulders covered.

Luke Mundy said...

Oh Ken... you're such a fashionista!